The Southern Co-Operative

The objective of the campaign was to encourage students and freshers to shop and The Southern Co-op stores. As well as building awareness for discount offers such as 10 NUS discount and 20% one-off discounts. Southern Co-op were also keen for the students to sign-up to the All Yours program.
The campaign saw us provide three Brand Ambassadors per store; their job was to hand out promotional materials and discount codes and engage with students by offering samples of Co-op’s baked products. As part of this promotion, it was important for the Ambassadors to ensure that students (who would have been new to the area) knew where to find their local stores to take advantage of discounts.
Using our purpose-built microsite, our ambassadors also helped students sign up for the All Yours scheme when engaging with them.
- 11 day live days
- Handed out 1,000 samples of Co-op’s own bakes
- 4,500 F2F contact – leaflets and ‘Bags for Life’ handed out to each one of them
- Promotional Staffing
- Face-to-Face Engagement
- Data Capture
- Promotion Merchandise
Our first ever Freshers Fair was a huge success, and we were hugely helped by the GottaBe! team! The guidance and advice on the best approach for engaging with students was invaluable. Together we came up with a formula that the students seemed to really enjoy on the day and even better, resulted in visits to our stores in the city centre. The student market is of real value to us as a retailer and we’ll definitely be calling on GottaBe! to support us with the planning and delivery of our future student-focussed campaigns.Lucy Avison - Local Marketing & Insight Manager