The Gym Group

The Gym Group’s New Year campaign ‘There’s a Gym Group ‘round the corner’ highlights that over 50% of UK adults are within a 15-minute drive of one of the locations.
The campaign was rolled out on digital, out-of-home, social media, and more! The only channel missing was a face-to-face engagement… which is where we step in.
We had 20 Brand Ambassadors in 10 locations across the UK* building awareness around the Gym Group and their offering.
The team spoke with people on the streets about their current exercise habits, what they look for in a gym, and how important a gym is to them.
Our Brand Ambassadors also had various goodies to give out to those who registered their interest in the gym, ranging from protein shaker bottles to leaflets to free day passes.
*Manchester, Birmingham, Brighton/Hove, Cardiff, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and four London locations.
By the end of the campaign, we had engaged over 3,500 members of the public, achieved nearly 2,000 sign-ups, and gathered tonnes of actionable consumer insights for the brand.
– Promotional Staffing